Y: Yuck/Yum, or, being an author who hates caffeine
It’s my curse.
A writer runs on caffeine. Most creative types do. Hell, most noncreative types do! Caffeine brings your brain to life, chases away all the cobwebs, and lets you work to your best potential.
So what good is a writer who hates coffee?
I’d tried it all! Iced coffee, hot coffee, lots of sugar, lots of cream, fancy espresso mixed drinks… I hated it all! I tried dealing with it and gaining it as an acquired taste, but that was no good, either. I hated it more and more the more I drank it!
It’s a little silly, but not liking coffee makes you feel… bad. You feel like a little kid. And especially in a subculture that loves coffee so much, you sometimes feel… kind of like an outsider? Oh, stop laughing. I told you it was silly!

In the end I did find my salvation: Starbucks Refreshers!
They’re full of caffeine so they really give you that amazing boost when you drink them, but they’re also sweet and fruity, but they also don’t just taste like juice. They have a really interesting flavour. There are hints of caffeine in it, but not too much! They have lots of different flavours so you can switch them up when you get bored, too!
I still wish I could just like coffee, though! Only Starbucks really has refreshers, and they can be a little pricey! Alas, this is my curse, and I must live with it.